
基于 品质 服务 创新 的理念, 杰艾莉国际贸易(JZL International Trading)以及上海俪柔经贸发展有限公司期望给予我们忠实的使用者-研发人员与产品开发人员安全 稳定 而完善 的原料使用经验.

JZL International Trading with the subsidiary – Shanghai Li Rou Economic Development Co., LTD is expecting to provide our loyal consumers – R&D team, Branding team, safe, stable, excellent experience based on our philosophy – Quality, Service, Creation.

Justin and Lily 是公司的创办人 我们从零开始, 胼手胝足一步一脚印, 把在中国不具知名度的特尔蜡(TERWAX)推广成为华东知名, 包含多家国际彩妆代工OEM/ODM公司指定使用的原料蜡, 我们不满足于此, 继续完整产品线, 增加不同的原料供应商, 也从彩妆应用跨足底妆, 到护肤保养品的原料推广, 成为韩国,德国,大利,美国等不同原料供应商的华东指定代理商.

As funders of the company – Justin & Lily who started from zero, step by step, reached a milestone promoting TERWAX from rarely known to a famous, well known wax brand in East China in several OEM/ODM manufacturers including international accounts. We are now keeping completing our product lines, increasing suppliers from Korea, German and Italy, USA as their exclusive distributor in East China.


基于我们对于蜡的钻研与研究, 我们定制化了一系列的原料产品, 成立了我们的专有原料产品线 JL (杰莉) 系列. JL WAX 杰莉蜡为主的自有品牌原料也2020年正式面世.

Based on our knowledge in Wax, we had tailor-made wax blend with unique performance which is our very own line – JL Wax. This line will be promoted into the market grade by grade start from Year 2020.

期许成为一个不断被肯定的原料供应商, 也期待着从华东走向全国, 更要走向亚洲. 我们会一直努力成为我们忠实客户的合作伙伴, 不断充实原料内容, 完善服务层面与品质, 建立JL Certificated杰莉认证的品质标章, 成为亚洲地区知名的原料供应商, 媲美百年原料品牌, 就从现在做起!!

With expectation being a reliable raw materials supplier in this local market, and looking forward entering into other region of China, we will work harder to be the best partner of our customers and suppliers. With the JL Certificated logo, we hope to be the most famous supplier in this market. A brand of Legend, start from now.